Full Name and Title: Ahmed Hassan Tawfiq Al-Jubouri
Date of Birth: 1986/9/28
Residence: Najaf Al-Ashraf.
[email protected]
Master's in Engineering, 2013
Lecturer .
Mechanical Engineering .
Thermal Power .
Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University – Al-Najaf Technical Institute – Head of Power Mechanical Technologies Department
1. Head of the Project Follow-up Unit at Jaber Ibn Hayyan Medical University
2. Head of the Department of Construction and Projects at Jaber Ibn Hayyan Medical University
3. Head of the Rehabilitation and Employment Unit - Al-Najaf Technical Institute
4. Head of Power Mechanical Technologies Department - Al-Najaf Technical Institute
-Certificate in Quality Control from Sanjari Institute, India
-Certificate in Pipe Design from Sanjari Institute, India
-Certificate in Teaching Methods from Kufa University
-Certified in English Language: TOEFL and National Exam with distinction
1. Attendance at the Renewable Energy Conference / Al-Islamic University
2. Attendance at the Global Simulation Technology Conference sponsored by Ansys/ India-Bangalore
3. Participation in the Engineering Conference at Kufa University
4. Lecturer and participant in numerous seminars and workshops
5. Lecturer in Maintenance and Installation of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment
6. Lecturer in Occupational Safety Courses in Workplaces
7. Lecturer in Graduate Skills Development Courses
8. Chair of many Examination and Scientific Committees
9. Preparing estimation lists / Jaber Ibn Hayyan Medical University and Al-Najaf Technical Institute
10. Head of the Maintenance Committee at Jaber Ibn Hayyan Medical University
11. Participation in the Academicians Syndicate and Al-Zahrawi University College Conference in Karbala
12. Chair of the Construction Committees – Classroom Building and Institute Council Building
13. Supervising graduation projects for undergraduate students
14. Participation in many Examination Committees for Undergraduate Students
Renewable energy, modern air conditioning systems, heat transfer and thermodynamics.
5 papers published and indexed in Scopus databases Teaching Subjects: Steam Power Plants – Principles of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration – Thermodynamics – Industrial Management – Engineering Drawing – Computer Applications
1. Responsible for Maintenance and Initial Operation of the New Al-Mishkhab Water Project / Abdullah Awiz Al-Jubouri Company
2. Activation of the Simulation Laboratory in the Department of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering / Al-Islamic University
3. Teaching fourth-year students and their success in the central exam in the subject of Power Generation Plants / Al-Islamic University
4. Preparing and drawing engineering maps and technical reports / Jaber Ibn Hayyan Medical University
5. Active participation in the emergency line connection project at the College of Medicine / Jaber Ibn Hayyan Medical University
6. Construction of Classroom Buildings in the Scientific Complex – Al-Najaf Technical Institute
7. Construction of the Institute Council Building – Al-Najaf Technical Institute
8. Expertise in Blended Learning and E-Learning
The department was established in the academic years 1987-1988 under the leadership of Dr. Tahseen Ali Hussein, and many qualified professors, both academically and administratively, have succeeded in leading the department. Initially, the department included two branches: Automotive and Refrigeration. Currently, it is headed by Lecturer Ahmed Hassan Tawfiq. In 1993, the Automotive branch was transferred to Al-Kufa Technical Institute as part of the government's austerity policy during the economic sanctions period.
The department prepares and qualifies students scientifically, technically, and skillfully to handle various heating and cooling systems for industrial, medical, automotive, and domestic applications. This includes design, installation, regular maintenance, troubleshooting, and creating blueprints, all under the supervision of experienced and highly qualified professors.
Hundreds of skilled students have graduated from the department, some of whom continued their higher education and obtained academic and administrative positions in the university. The department and its faculty, staff, and students have contributed significantly to the maintenance, restoration, and rehabilitation of numerous refrigeration systems and advanced systems, offering consultations for holy sites such as the Holy Al-Askari Shrine, the Hannanah Mosque, and the Holy Kufa Mosque.
Deepening technical concepts for students and keeping up with modern technologies in the field of air conditioning and refrigeration, enabling graduates to work in various sectors.
Starting from the frontiers of science to develop curricula both theoretically and practically, using the latest teaching and training methods, and actively participating in the development of the university environment and society.
1- Preparing technical cadres to work in construction and development projects in both the public and private sectors, with professionalism in the field of air conditioning and refrigeration and a high level of dedication.
2- Enhancing the performance of department staff by enrolling them in specialized courses to update their knowledge, develop their capabilities and experience, and provide them with resources and information to carry out scientific research.
3- Working to provide a suitable university environment for students and enhancing social, sports, and other activities to strengthen the sense of belonging to the institute and the department.
4- Continuously updating curricula both theoretically and practically to achieve the most up-to-date and suitable content, following the principles of sustainable engineering, and providing the necessary laboratories.
5- Establishing cooperation and interaction between the department, government departments, and holy shrines.
6- Providing services and training to various community groups, such as the unemployed and families of martyrs, to contribute to job creation and eliminate unemployment.