The Department of Mechanical Technology is one of the main technological departments in the institute. The department was established with the beginning of the founding of the institute in 1978 AD with its two branches (metal production and maintenance). Then the department developed and became modern workshops containing lathe and milling machines programmed for various types of metals, modern laboratories for coating metal surfaces, and another for measuring the physical properties of metallic and non-metallic materials as well as the thermal coefficients of steel and keeping pace with development. Scientific knowledge that the world is witnessing in the field of production and manufacturing. The Mechanical Technology Department provided various types of scientific, artistic, technical, industrial, production, training and engineering consulting services to various sectors of the state and society, old and new. It also contributed to all social solidarity activities, combating unemployment, aid and support programs for the needy, and women’s empowerment programs.
We work and strive for the Mechanics Department to be one of the best scientific and technical departments at Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University and throughout the country and for the university to be among the top 500 accredited universities in the world by improving the teaching staff, laboratories, libraries and the valuable books they contain, as well as developing curricula in line with those requirements. And to be a beacon for the country’s students wherever they are by preparing a generation of technicians who hold a technical diploma, as well as providing society with numbers of technical graduates with practical experience and skill. We are working hard to make this vision consistent with the aspirations and goals of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and to achieve the requirements of the government program.
Developing the study quantitatively and qualitatively and in accordance with the basic objectives of the institute and the university in creating new paths and channels in technical curricula to be in line with modern technological developments so that they are consistent with global scientific development and the rapid progress of science and technology in all facilities and activities of contemporary human life.
The objectives of the Mechanics Department are considered an extension of the objectives of the Najaf Technical Institute and the Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, which are:
1. General goal: To prepare technical personnel in the field of metal production techniques who will be responsible for building the nation and participating in its comprehensive renaissance in a manner consistent with the country’s needs.
2. Instilling authentic Islamic, national, and humanitarian values in the seeds of the new generation and preparing future alternative leaders.
3. Preparing an educated generation armed with science and adopting it as a sound basis to bring about radical changes and putting scientific knowledge and the scientific method of thinking and analysis in the service of the nation’s goals and eliminating what is attached to them in various aspects.
4. Working to strengthen the position of the university and the institute as a center for the creative radiance of culture that deepens authentic social values.
5. Working to deepen the balance between the progress of theoretical sciences and their applied aspects.
6. Taking care to guide students and choose the best means to expand their activities and deepen their scientific and professional specializations within the framework of the sustainable development plan and the country’s needs and to develop their spirit of innovation, creativity, renewal and initiative.
7. Focus on introducing modern methods into the learning system that increase students’ ability to be creative and innovative.
8. Active contribution to deepening and strengthening the university’s relationship with society through implementing advisory work, training, developing cadres, and preparing specialized courses.